Sunday, 30 June 2013

Spring Sprang

Well, the year has flown by and - what with a million things to do and a dodgy internet connection - blogging has fallen by the wayside. I'm pleased to say the garden didn't meet with a similar fate! From spring bulbs to catkins, old seedheads to new buds, it's been as captivating a year as any. Here's a look back at Thunderfairy's plot as it began to spring to life!

My Native Sedum pot (plugs bought from British Wildflower Plants)

Love Euphorbia purpurea. Love that this is a rogue seedling even more!

Alchemilla conjuncta, with it's beautiful silver-edged leaves.

 Looks like a forget-me-not, but actually Omphalodes, which is going rather rampant in my 'woods'.

A couple of Richard Hobbs purchases!

I've used a mix of Lamiums to compete with the Ground Elder in my 'woods' and it's doing a great job. Not everyone's cup of tea, but I love the carpet effect! Just have to curtail their invasion every so often!

Euphorbia 'Fen's Ruby' - another rampant beast! But I love it! 

A momentous occasion in The Fridriksson Household - the first flower on the conker we've been growing for twenty years!