Sunday, 8 July 2012

Insect Action...

Every so often I like to devote a blog to all the wonderful insect activity going on in the garden chez Thunderfairy. And this month it's been busier than ever! During one of my early morning photography sessions (the ones I fit in while my porridge is doing!) I found - to my great delight - a butterfly! Not a frequent sight in my garden...especially beautiful ones like this!

It's some sort of blue, but I never saw it with its wings open and I'm not a butterfly expert, so I'm not sure which one!

The garden's alive with bees as well...all kinds! And they're loving the many nectar-rich plants...


Spot the bee...

Always amazed by how crazy the bees go for the Cotoneaster. We have one that self-seeded by our window and is sprawling far and wide now. It's smothered in tiny flowers and the bees just can't get enough of them. Walking past it, it sounds like you're next to a beehive.

And the bees aren't the only things loving the flowers. The hoverflies are out in force as well...

And while they're not quite as cute as the butterflies, bees or hoverflies, the spiders are fascinating! All the tiny ones have been about over the last couple of weeks, making their webs everywhere...

And it always astonishes me, how colourful and exotic some of them look when you get in close!

1 comment:

  1. Absolutely stunning photographs, Thordis. I know you always claim it's the camera, but you have a real talent there.
