Sunshine has been at a premium of late! So, needless to say, every time I see a few scant rays shining in the garden, I leap up to capture them! Here's a few of my favourites looking glorious in the sunshine...
Euphorbia 'Perry's Tangerine' is a new acquisition of mine. Having a bit of a 'thing' for Eurphorbias, I simply couldn't resist buying it when I saw it at West Acre. Look at those wonderful little red eyes! Made all the more appealing when the sun's rays illuminate them?
Although not really my favourite Tulip, Akebono has been a reliable performer over the past couple of years. It always seems to come back as big and beautiful as ever, regardless of conditions. It got battered about a bit in all the wind and rain, but thankfully this neighbouring rose lent a little support!
Orange!! How I love orange!! And Tulip Prinses Irene does orange so well! With a bit of morning sunlight shining through the petals, it does it even better!
What was that I was saying about orange?! Calendula Indian Prince is such a vibrant colour and its petals have a wonderful independence. They all seem to make their own mind up about when's a good time to open!
And it's just so lovely seeing the whole gardening with a bit of sunshine sprinkled over it!
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