Tuesday, 8 May 2012

Let's get it started...

It was about a month ago now that I decided to splash out on my camera. My little HTC phone has made a valiant effort at taking nice, close-up shots of all my flowers, but after a couple of years of making do with it's less than capable camera, I finally decided now was the time! Garden, let me introduce you to Canon 600D...

This was in the first batch of photos I took with my camera...one of my absolute favourite Narcissus, Hawera. Much to my delight a profusion of these fought against the dry winter and put on a brilliant Spring display, unlike lots of my other daffodils. Thoroughly charming!

As soon as I had my camera, one of the first things I was eager to capture was the amazing sight of raindrops on Alchemilla mollis leaves. I didn't realise quite how nicely set off they'd be by the wet gravel...bonus!

Many from my list of favourite plants in the garden are those I've bought from Richard Hobbs - plantsman extraordinaire and regular on the Garden Party panel. This little Anemone nemerosa viriscens is one of those. In spring it pops up with these gorgeous feathery bracts instead of flowers...divine!

Not always brilliant on the full names of the plants in my garden...I know this little tree is a Corylopsis, but I can't remember which one. I'm sure it's obvious! Anyway, its dainty, pendulous flowers and red tinged leaves look gorgeous against the blue of the shed door behind it!

One of the things that most fascinates me in the plant world is moss! It's amazing!! Every so often pictures of bits of moss will turn up, like this little bit by the pond.

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