Saturday, 19 May 2012

Shots from the week...

Forgot to charge my camera...d'oh! So there are no today pictures, but luckily there are lots I never had the chance to upload from the other morning (when it was actually sunny!) I'm increasingly finding in the morning when I get back from the stables, if the weather is nice I have to run out with my camera while my porridge is doing in the's simply too beautiful not to capture!! I particularly love those early-morning slanted shadows between the white-picket fence...

As you can see from this picture, I'm in a very 'normal' suburban setting. I'm normally a fan of keeping other houses out of my shots (then I can fantasise I'm in the middle of nowhere!), but I liked the lushness of this shot, so I put it up even though the houses across the road make an appearance!

In my first post where I introduced you to my garden, there's a bleak-looking picture of the verge I dug up and planted outside our front fence. It looks a little more cheerful here, bathed in early-morning sunlight and with forget-me-nots and my one single tulip flowering away. The story behind the tulip is when I was planting up my pots I discovered I had one left over so, on a whim, stuck it in the middle of the verge! I think next year I might replant all the red tulips in there along with a sea of Muscari...should look nice without being too costly - I'm always a bit dubious of spending too much on the verge in case someone vandalises it or the council weedkills it or something!

My blue Jacob's Ladders don't seem to be looking too happy this year - I think they exhausted themselves last year - but this little lilac one...Polemonium 'Lambrooke Mauve' is ecstatically happy! It's covered in these clusters of pale purple flowers with the most delightful centres...

Really pleased with the middle bed at the moment. The Stipa tenuissima we put in last year is looking happy, especially in combination with recent additions Euphorbia 'Pery's Tangerine' and Corydalis 'Purple Leaf' (with a bit of fluffy Fennel in the background).

This is another shot of the middle bed - loving all the verticals here of Berberis, Alliums, Eurphobia and little wild Veronica things, which we transplanted from the front. All against the backdrop of the rose-covered wonky fence which divides the back garden in two.

From the backgarden, we return to the front and back to the early morning shots. This perennial flax has done better this year than ever before. In fact, I'm not sure it did anything at all last year! I've certainly forgotten about it if it did! They're such a beautiful blue and there's such a profusion of buds that it doesn't matter how short-lived they are! They hang pendulous, nodding in the breeze...beautiful!

Not a million miles away from the flax, in the front garden's heart-shaped bed, we've got a profusion of little violets seeding around. I'm so excited!! Anyone who knows me will know that a plant self-seeding freely means it's guaranteed to be among my favourite plants - I just find it so charming when plants do their thing happily merrily. Even better is that the normal Heartsease have crossed with the Sawyer's Black in the same bed to produce lots of different little dark shades, like this little delight below...

And one of my little stars in the front garden is this Calendula 'Indian Prince'. I grew it from seed late last year and it didn't do much, but now it's going bonkers! All despite the fact that it's in the driest part of the front garden, by the conifers, where nothing much wants to thrive. It's buds are almost purple before they open and then they unfurl to produce these wonderful, vibrant flowers...each petal burnished on the outside and bright copper on the inside. I like them best when they're in a little shade and so, coyly keep their petals half-closed. What a charmer!

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