The garden's alive with insects at the moment! Here's a selection of my favourite insect action over the past week...
Ever since I got my camera I've been itching for the Alliums to come into flower so I could start snapping the bees on them! And they haven't disappointed! Purple Sensation and Euphorbia Polychroma setting off Mr Bee nicely here!
Some flowers make for easier bee photography...Cerinthes aren't really one of them because the bees are never still for long enough! But I managed a to get one en route to a quick Cerinthe snack!
I'm still waiting to snap a bee drinking its fill on one of my Cirsiums (which have gone crazy this year, incidentally!), but I spotted this Ladybird snuggled up amidst the buds.
Meanwhile this tiny spider chose to make its web inbetween some Thyme buds.
All of the above was very exciting, but you can imagine my glee when I was having an extra-long perusal of the garden on my day off and saw a Large Red Damselfly flitting about in the garden! I'm sure I've never seen them before in our little patch. I pursued it here, there and everywhere and thankfully it spent long enough on a couple of plants for me to get some nice shots!
And, just when I was thinking one Large Red Damselfly was exciting, another one appeared...and...things got X-Rated...
So hopefully there'll be the flitter flutter of little Large Red Damselfly wings in the future!
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