Welcome to the garden chez Fridriksson! My Mum and I spend endless hours (and endless pounds and pennies) here pottering about, digging, planting, titivating, and doing a lot of looking on!
As the year goes on, I'll add photos of all my favourite plants and combinations, but to get started here's a little look at it from front to back...
This is a view out towards the road in the front garden...
The two little star plants on the bottom left are Tulip 'Peaches and Cream' and Euphorbia 'Fens Ruby'.
The next big bit of the garden is the middle part of the garden behind the house. This is a small 'patio' area, with a couple of steps leading to a gravelled area and a path that leads up the garden...
Beside the grassy bank on the left is our pond, recently relined and lovingly restored (actually this is a slightly out-of-date picture...planting in the pond has begun...pictures of that to come later...)
And after that we get to the fence that divides the back part of the garden into two. It must be around 14/15 years old now, so very green and wonky! This is a view back down the garden from the gateway...
And beyond the fence is the magic world of our 'woods'.
Oh, and I nearly forgot...when we ran out of planting space in the garden, we dug up the verge and planted that up as well! I've got plans for making it a bit more full of spring colour next year, but I'm thrilled to bits with how it's over-wintered, and how nearly everything I put in there is thriving!
And there you have it...a tour of the garden chez Fridriksson from the verge out the front to the 'woods' at the back! Much more to follow...
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