When my Mum and I first really caught the gardening bug, most of what we were about was making brilliant habitats for wildlife, and that's never changed. With a few exceptions, our planting choices are influenced by what they provide for the beasts in our little patch...nectar-rich blooms for pollinators, early flowers for bees, groundcover for fledglings to scurry in, berry-bearers for birds to gorge themselves on, and plants for insects to snuggle up in. Lambs ears are great for that, as this little Ladybird would agree I'm sure...
What I love most about the above picture, is - if you look really closely on the bottom-right - you can see a little spider enjoying the benefits of the Stachys as well!
And from bees to wasps...check out how gorgeous this wasp is up close! (Pictured on a Peony bud).
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